Who amongst us doesn’t long to see God, to hear his voice, to know him? This is something we all experience, and God knew this would be the case. So through Jesus Christ, he instituted the Sacraments.
These are the primary ways we encounter God. Through the words we hear and the things we see, touch and taste we encounter God in a way that is familiar to us.
There are seven Sacraments; three of initiation, two of healing and two of mission which help us to live the Christian life. They are like signposts along the way which help us to reach heaven. These Sacraments are received at different points in our life, the most important parts really, because God knew this is when we would need him the most.
Baptisms take place on the second and third weekends of the month at either the 6.00 pm Vigil Mass or the 11.00 am Sunday Mass. Families preparing for Baptism will need to attend a preparation session prior to their child receiving the Sacrament. Baptism Preparation Sessions are held on the third Saturday of each month at 3.30 pm in the Gathering Space in St Paul’s Church. Enrolment for the Baptism Preparation Sessions is essential. Please contact the Parish Office to book in.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Saturday.
For those making their first Reconciliation, this takes place in conjunction with preparation for Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Confirmation and First Holy Communion
Children can begin completing their Initiation into the Catholic Church from Year 3. From July/August the Parish sends out a letter, inviting families to attend an initial meeting for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Here we explained the preparation needed to receive the Sacraments and families are given an enrolment form. Once they have enrolled a member of the Sacrament Preparation Team interviews each family and then preparation begins.
Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the Priest through the Parish Office.
Please contact the Priest through the Parish Office.
Our Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults group assists with the process of preparing and welcoming new members into the Catholic Church. Newly received Adults receive their Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil Mass.
Please contact the Priest through the Parish Office.